South East Region office moves to Somerset!
13th March 2014
The South and West ASA Division is now working out of one office in Somerset. This means no change to the service clubs and members will receive. This office is staffed by Bryony Gibbs, Divisional Office Manager, who continues to service the regions.
They are currently recruiting a part time administrator to be based at the office in Somerset, who will work with Bryony, this post is out to advert on If you know of anyone who may be interested please circulate.
The office can be contacted on 01823 666792 or you can contact Bryony direct on 07765 828180 and she will be happy to help both individuals and clubs in the South East Region.
Alison Usher - Divisional Business Manager - South & West
1st Floor Offices, Castle Business Centre, Castle Road, Chelston Business Park, Wellington. TA21 9JQ
Telephone: 01823 666792 Mobile: 07799 582215