Edward G Maples Memorial Trophy 2024
This is your chance to nominate someone in your club who regularly goes beyond the call of duty. Nominations should be made using the form below.
1 | The award may be made once only to any club official, administrator or voluntary worker in the County of Kent, whose services to the disciplines of swimming are deemed worthy of recognition. |
2 | Nominations for the recipient of the award may be made by a member of the Management Committee, an appointed Officer of the Association (see Rule 8) or by any club whose headquarters are in Kent London SA or Kent Rural SA and which is affiliated to Swim England London Region or Swim England South East Region as appropriate. |
3 | Nominations, which must include the reasons why the proposed recipient should be considered for the award of the trophy and a detailed history of the nominee's services to swimming, must be in the hands of the General Secretary of the Association by 9 September for consideration during that calendar year. |
4 | All nominations held by the General Secretary on 9 September shall be considered by the Management Committee at a subsequent meeting of that Committee. The Committee shall decide who the recipient shall be and shall make the award. |
5 | A member of the Management Committee, appointed Officer or a club may put forward only one nomination in any one calendar year, but nominations once received by the General Secretary shall automatically be considered by the Management Committee until and unless they are withdrawn by the original sponsor, or upon the death of the nominee. |
6 | The presentation of the trophy shall take place at the Annual Council Meeting of the Association or as may be otherwise appropriate. |
Nomination Form: