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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

Workshop content overview

Full details of the qualifications, downloadable workbooks, etc can be accessed on the British Swimming Officials' Training page.

An outline of the content of each two-hour workshop is shown below:

J2: Session 1Introduction to Judge 2 role; placing and disqualifications
J2: Session 2Completion of Judge 2 workbook
J2S: Session 1Introduction to Judge 2 Starter role
J2S: Session 2Completion of Judge 2 Starter workbook and manual race results
Contemporary IssuesThis is an on-line Mandatory CPD required by the British Swimming Officials Licensing requirements (M5) and aimed at Swimming Technical Officials who are already licensed (renewal due within next four years) or wish to become a licensed British Swimming Official. The workshop covers: the ASA Code of Ethics; Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults; Embracing Diversity; Health and Safety; Officials’ Training and the ‘World of Swimming’.
FINA Rules Update A Mandatory CPD required by the British Swimming Officials Licensing requirements (M6) and aimed at Swimming Technical Officials who are already licensed (renewal due within next four years) or who wish to become a licensed British Swimming Official.

For the training calendar, click here where you will find workshops highlighted in red. Please do keep checking this calendar as there will be additions to the existing workshops. 

If you are booked into a workshop and find you are not able to attend, please contact Malcolm Keysell as soon as possible.

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit