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Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Kent County
Amateur Swimming Association

KSSA Primary Schools Finals 2014

22nd March 2014, 13:15 - 16:30

Officials needed

There will be a buffet lunch between Sessions A and B and we really appreciate your help.

These events are not licensed so don't let that put you off

The programme of events related to this invitation can be found here

Sat 15/02/201411:4512:30KSSA Primary Schools 2014 Session AMedway Park Leisure Centre (Black Lion)
Sat 15/02/201415:1516:00KSSA Primary Schools 2014 Session BMedway Park Leisure Centre (Black Lion)
Sat 22/03/201413:1514:00KSSA Primary Schools 2014 FINALSMedway Park Leisure Centre (Black Lion)

You can reply to this invitation online at the KCASA website. Click here.

Carina Enderby

7, Chart Road

Chart Sutton
Kent ME17 3RG

Telephone No.: 01622 842631

EMail: carina.enderby@kentswimming.org

Kent County Amateur Swimming Association Swim England Affiliated County Swim England South East London Swimming Swim England British Swimming British Swimming Swimline Child Protection in Sport Unit