London Swimming Annual Conference and Council Meeting
8th September 2018
This year’s Conference and Annual Council Meeting (ACM) takes place on 8 September 2018 at the Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BU. The Programme for the day is
- 13:00 London Swimming Awards Ceremony and Lunch
- 14:00 London Region Annual Council Meeting
- 16:00 Close
Papers be viewed on our website HERE. We welcome anyone who wishes to attend the meeting. However, only individuals nominated by their club as a delegate may vote at the meeting. Please ensure you bring the completed delegate forms with you.
For catering purposes please confirm if you will be attending the luncheon and if you have any dietary requirements
Please share this e mail with your Committee
We suggest that any questions for the ACM be submitted in writing to, by Thursday 30th September. This will allow a fuller, more considered response at the meeting.